V. Pescatore, S. Compagno, E. Brugin, M. Vettori, A. Zanocco, F. Zoppo, B. Reimers, D. Noventa, F. Giada

1. Cardiovascular Department, Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Unit, P.F. Calvi Hospital, Noale-Venice, Italy; 2. Cardiovascular Department, Cardiology Unit, Civil Hospital, Mirano-Venice, Italy


Introduction & Background: Patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) devices, according to the current guidelines, must be referred to a cardiovascular rehabilitation (CR) program. The aim of the study was to evaluate the need for an optimization of device programming, in order to obtain the maximal increase in heart rate and to maintain resynchronization therapy during exercise.
Methods: Thirteen consecutive CHF patients, recently implanted with a CRT-D devices for primary prevention underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing, during which device programming were evaluated.
Results: The patients’ baseline characteristics were the following: male sex 77% ; age 71±9 years; non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy 85%; ejection fraction 37±6 %; sinus rhythm 85%; peak oxygen uptake 14±8 ml/kg/min. Device “brady” functions reprogramming was necessary in 6 patients (46%): optimization of rate-responsive function in 2 cases; optimization of inter-ventricular delay in 1 case; optimization of atrio-ventricular delay in 1 case; increase of upper rate in 2 cases. No modifications of device “tachy” functions were considered necessary.
Conclusions: Individualized device programming during exercise may be warranted in selected patients with CRT-D device referred to a CR program.