Invitations will be sent to reviewer through e-mail unless you have selected a different Preferred Method of Contact. In the sent invitation to review a manuscript, we mentioned details about the complete article, reviewer may receive the text of the abstract in an initial e-mail invitation to review. Depending upon how the Editorial Office has configured the invitation process, he or she may also have access to download the manuscript before agreeing to review.
By clicking ‘Agree to Review’, the reviewer will accesss the manuscript and we will provide a timespan to submit the reviewer comments on the manuscript.Reviewer will submit the comments through e-mail.
Clicking ‘Decline to Review’ will alert the Editorial Office that the Reviewer will not be reviewing the paper. The system will ask to suggest reviewers who are able to review the manuscript.
Publications may choose to offer direct links to system features from the e-mail communications sent to invited and accepted Reviewers. These are available for the following Reviewer actions:
At the time of submitting the reviews, if any problem has occured Reviewer has to contact Editorial Office through E-mail.
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