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Basic Steps to Reduce Radiation in Cardiovascular Laboratory

One hundred and thirteen years after the discovery of X-rays, these electromagnetic waves continue to be the most commonly used technology for imaging in the field of medicine. Despite significant advances in x-ray technology, the amount of radiation exposure in the cardiovascular laboratory has not decreased as it should have. Different regulations have been promulgated to address the issue of radiation exposure in health care facilities. Today, the procedures are performed guided by ALARA principle, which recommends that radiation exposure be limited to As Low As Reasonably Achievable. In this article, we discuss the historical background, different steps to reduce radiation in cardiovascular laboratory and the few innovations that are directed at reducing radiation exposure.

Credits: Ajay Vallakati, Madhu Reddy, Pramod Janga, Karthik Murugiah, Gopi Manohar Ponnaganti, Sudharani Bommana, Andrea Natale, Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy

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