Title: First And Second-Generation Cryoballoon Ablation Efficacy Restoring And Maintaining Sinus Rhythm In Patients Electrically Selected And Treated For Long-Standing Persistent Atrial Fibrillation After Acute Complete Electrical Disconnection Of Pulmonary Veins From The Left Atrium Demonstrated
Credits: Jesus M. Paylos, Luis Azcona, Lourdes Lacal, Octavio Rodríguez, Marisol Paradela, Carmen Cilleros, Ildefonso del Campo, Clara Ferrero, Carlos Martínez, Aracelis Morales
Title: “Exploring the obesity paradox in atrial fibrillation. AFBAR (Atrial Fibrillation BARbanza area) record results”
Credits: M. Cristina González-Cambeiro, Emad Abu-Assia, Sergio Raposeiras-Roubína, Moisés Rodríguez-Mañeroa, Fernando Otero-Raviña, José R. González-Juanateya, Genaro Gutiérrez-Fernández, Rosa Liñares-Stolle, Jorge Alvear-García, Mª Jesús Eirís-Cambre, Carmen Cerqueiras-Alcalde, Mª José Vázquez Lópeze, Ángel Lado-Llerena
Title: The Utility of Ambulatory Electrocardiographic Monitoring for Detecting Silent Arrhythmias and Clarifying Symptom Mechanism in an Elderly Urban Population with Heart Failure and Hypertension: Clinical Implications
Credits: Kathleen T. Hickey, James Reiff el, Robert R. Sciacca, William Whang, Angelo Biviano, Mau-rita Baumeister, Carmen Castillo, Jyothi Talathothi, Hasan Garan
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