Title: Atrial Fibrillation Awareness – How do we Tackle a Global Epidemic?
Credits: Andrea Natale MD, FACC, FHRS, FESC
Title: Assessment of DNA Damage After Ionizing Radiation Exposure in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device Implantation or Atrial Fibrillation Ablation (The RADAR Study)
Credits: Mohit K.Turagam, MD, Venkat Vuddanda, MD, Donita Atkins , BSN, Rakesh Venkata, MBBS, Bhavya YarlagaddaMBBS, Himabindu Korra, MBBS, Jaya Pitchika, MBBS, Sudharani Bommana , MS and Dhanujaya R. Lakkireddy, MD, FHRS
Title: Acute Pulmonary Vein Reconnection After Ablation using Contact-Force Sensing Catheters: Incidence, Timing, and Ablation Lesion Characteristics
Title: Remote Monitoring of Atrial High Rate Episodes in Pacemaker Patients. The RAPID Study Design
Title: Clinical Impact of the Cryoballoon Temperature and Occlusion Status on the Success of Pulmonary Vein Isolation
Title: Contact-Force Guided Pulmonary Vein Isolation does not Improve Success Rate in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Patients and Severe Left Atrial Enlargement: A 12-month Follow-Up Study
Credits: Enes E. Gul, MD, Usama Boles, MD, Sohaib Haseeb, BSc, Wilma Hopman, MA, Kevin A. Michael, MD, Chris Simpson, MD, Hoshiar Abdollah, MD, Adrian Baranchuk, MD, Damian Redfearn, MD, and Benedict Glover, MD
Title: Compass Mapping, Double Potentials, Activation Patterns can Identify and Track Rotational Activity Sites in the Left Atrium of Humans with Persistent Atrial Fibrillation.
Credits: Donald S. Rubenstein, M.D., Ph.D., Hang Yin Ph.D. CEPS, and Sana A. Azami B.S
Title: Does Left Atrial Appendage Closure Reduce Mortality? A Vital Status Analysis of the Randomized PROTECT AF and PREVAIL Clinical Trials
Credits: William Whang, MD, David R. Holmes, MD, Marc A. Miller, MD, Marie-Noelle Langan, MD, Subbarao Choudry, MD, Aamir Sofi, MD, Jacob S. Koruth, MD, Srinivas R. Dukkipati, MD, Vivek Y. Reddy, MD
Title: Successful Percutaneous Closure of Traumatic Right Ventricular Free Wall Rupture Using Amplatzer Vascular Plug Devices
Title: An Itchy Lead: First Reported Case of Ventricular Pacemaker Lead Self-extraction.
Credits: Brent Klinkhammer MD, PharmD, Yassar Almanaseer MD, & Mevan Wijetunga MD
Title: Complexities in the Atrial Fibrillation-Stroke Relationship: Improving Comprehension of Temporal Discordance, Magnitude Synergism, and Subclinical Atrial Fibrillation -- Three Sources of Consternation for Physicians Who Care for Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: James A. Reiffel, M.D.
Title: Clinical Relevance of the Spectral Tissue Doppler E/e’ Ratio in the Management of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: a Comprehensive Review of the Literature.
Credits: Arques
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