Title: Quality of Life, Exercise Capacity and Comorbidity in Old Patients with Permanent Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Inger Ariansen, Knut Gjesdal, Michael Abdelnoor, Elisabeth Edvardsen, Steve Enger, Arnljot Tveit
Title: Extraatrial Disease in Patients with “Lone” Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Jason Confino, Daniel Edmundowicz, Joan M. Lacomis, Iclal Ocak, Christopher R. Deible, David Schwartzman
Title: Leukocyte Atrial Fibrillation Filtration Study
Credits: Albert H. O-Yurvati, Steven Rodriguez, Glen Bell, Damon Kennedy, Robert T. Mallet
Title: The A That Did Not Fib: Two Roads Both Traveled By
Credits: James C. Hansen, Abraham G. Kocheril
Title: The Anticoagulated Atrial Fibrillation Patient Who Requires “Curative” Therapy for Prostate Carcinoma: a Bleeding Conundrum
Credits: James A. Reiffel MD
Title: Role of the Autonomic Nervous System in the Creation of Substrate for Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Rishi Arora, Alan H. Kadish
Title: Typical flutter ablation as an adjunct to catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation
Credits: Dipen Shah MD
Title: Catheter Ablation for AF: Past, Present, and Future
Credits: David Spragg, Hugh Calkins
Title: Periablative Anticoagulation Strategies in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Fernanda d’Araujo Costa Ferreira, Eduardo B. Saad
Title: Is Rhythm Control with Pulmonary Vein Isolation Superior to Rate Control with AV Nodal Ablation in Patients with Heart Failure?
Credits: Khan MN, Jaïs P, Cummings J, Di Biase L, Sanders P, Martin DO, Kautzner J, Hao S, Themistoclakis S, Fanelli R, Potenza D, Massaro R, Wazni O, Schweikert R, Saliba W, Wang P, Al-Ahmad A, Beheiry S, Santarelli P, Starling RC, Dello Russo A, Pelargonio G, Brachmann J, Schibgilla V, Bonso A, Casella M, Raviele A, Haïssaguerre M, Natale A
Title: Do Statins Decrease the Arrhythmia Burden in Patients with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation?
Credits: Tsai CT, Lai LP, Hwang JJ, Wang YC, Chiang FT, Lin JL
Title: Atrial Fibrillation: a Patient’s Guide to Understanding Drug Therapy
Credits: Ragini S. Bhakta MD
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