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Evolution of Medical Positioning System - Understanding How MediguideTM Technology Works

Conventional fluoroscopy is the main imaging modality for intracardiac catheter tracking in interventional cardiovascular procedures. It has the advantage of being able to instantaneously localize the catheter and its spatial relationship with respect to the moving target organ. However, fluoroscopy only provides 2-D orientation, and has significant radiation exposure. For treatment of complex cardiac arrhythmias 3-D mapping technologies have been introduced to facilitate spatial, anatomic, and electrical orientation. A new technological platform (MediGuide) offers the option to continuously display the catheter tip on a prerecorded cine-loop allowing better anatomic understanding of the underlying substrate. This review article describes the MediGuide technology and its advantages.

Credits: Dan Blendea, E. Kevin Heist, Jeremy Ruskin, Moussa Mansour

Biosense Webster
event date
Introduction to AFib
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