Title: Localization of Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Premature Ventricular Complexes Using a Novel Mapping System
Credits: Mehmet Ali Elbey, Sri Harsha Kanuri, Naushad Shaikh, Rakesh Gopinathannair, Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy
Title: Diagnostic Utility of Smartwatch Technology for Atrial Fibrillation Detection – A Systematic Analysis
Title: Impact of Yoga on Cardiac Autonomic Function and Arrhythmias
Title: Cutaneous Conundrums in Cardiac Sarcoidosis: A Series on Skin Disease in Immunosuppression
Title: Impact of Chronic Anemia on the New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation in the Elderly: It May Not Be What We Have Thought
Credits: Harsha V. Ganga, MD, MPH, Nandini Kolla, MD, M. Bridget Zimmerman, PhD, MS, Wayne L. Miller, MD, PhD
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