Title: Hypothetical “anatomy” of Brugada phenomenon: “long QT sine long QT” syndrome implicating morphologically undefined specific “Brugada’s myocells”
Credits: Petras Stirbys
Title: Neuro-atriomyodegenerative origin of atrial fibrillation and superimposed conventional risk factors: continued search to configure the genuine etiology of “eternal arrhythmia”
Credits: Petras Stirbys
Title: Search for the ideal antithrombotic drug: utopian task likely is implemented already
Credits: Petras Stirbys
Title: From incidental, mechanically-induced arrhythmias to reflex-defined arrhythmogenicity: on the track of the ternary reflex system resemblance to the “infancy” of new era or rediscovery
Credits: Petras Stirbys
Title: Review and insights into the bleeding mechanism incited by antithrombotic therapy: mechanistic nuances of dual pro-hemorrhagic substrate incorporating drug-induced microvascular leakage
Credits: Dr. Petras Stirbys
Title: Destruction of medium already affected by destructive disorder: fibrillating atria conceptually need of therapeutic help rather than surgical or ablative destruction
Credits: Dr. Petras Stirbys MD, PhD
Title: Cardiac events theoretically cannot be produced by non-ischemic and/or iso-ischemic myocardium: challenging postulations and vitality of the concept of “ischemia-dependent conflictogenic arrhythmias”
Credits: Dr. Petras Stirbys
Title: Homogenization of atrial electrical activities: conceptual restoration of regional electrophysiological parameters to deter ischemia-dependent conflictogenic atrial fibrillation
Credits: Dr. Petras Stirbys
Title: How Much Exercise Is Too Much?
Credits: Petras Stirbys
Title: Myocardial ischemia as a genuine cause responsible for the organization and “fertilization” of conflictogenic atrial fibrillation: new conceptual insights into arrhythmogenicity
Credits: Petras Stirbys, MD, PhD
Title: Interdependent relationship between atrial fibrillation and sinus rhythm: at the hypothetical interface of atrial fibrillation, autonomic tone, sinoatrial node and inflammation (analytical review, reconsiderations, speculations and new insights)
Credits: Petras Stirbys MD, PhD
Affiliation: Clinician, cardiosurgeon, implantologist of cardiovascular electronic devices, arrhythmologist, researcher. Former Vice-Rector for clinical affairs of Kaunas Medical Academy, Head of Cardiac Pacing clinic. Currently working as implanting cardiosurgeon in the Dept. of Cardiology, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas Clinics, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Affiliation: Clinician, cardiosurgeon, implantologist of cardiovascular electronic devices, arrhythmologist, researcher. Former Vice-Rector for clinical affairs of Kaunas Medical Academy, Head of Cardiac Pacing clinic. Currently working as implanting cardiosurgeon in the Dept. of Cardiology, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas Clinics, Kaunas, LITHUANIA
Affiliation: Clinician, cardiosurgeon, implantologist of cardiovascular electronic devices, arrhythmologist, researcher. Former Vice-Rector for clinical affairs of Kaunas Medical Academy, Head of Cardiac Pacing clinic. Currently working as implanting cardiosurgeon in the Dept. of Cardiology, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas Clinics, Kaunas, LITHUANIA.
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