Title: Procedural Safety and Efficacy for Pulmonary Vein Isolation with the Novel Polarxâ„¢ Cryoablation System: A Propensity Score Matched Comparison with the Arctic Frontâ„¢ Cryoballoon in the Setting of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
Title: Remote Monitoring of Atrial High Rate Episodes in Pacemaker Patients. The RAPID Study Design
Title: Radiation dose is significantly reduced by use of contact force sensing catheter during circumferential pulmonary vein isolation
Credits: Giuseppe Stabile, Antonio De Simone, Francesco Solimene, Assunta Iuliano, Vincenzo La Rocca, Vincenzo Schillaci, Alfonso Panella, Gergana Shopova, Felice Nappi, Francesco Urraro, Giovanni Russo, Giovanni Napolitano, Paola Chiariello
Title: The Unique MediGuide Technology for CRT Lead Placement and Catheter Ablation
Credits: Carlo Pappone, Martina Boscolo Berto, Vincenzo Santinelli
Title: Atrio-esophageal fistula after AF ablation: Pathophysiology,Prevention & Treatment
Credits: Carlo Pappone, Gabriele Vicedomini, Vincenzo Santinelli
Title: Post Ablation Left Atrial Tachycardia: Understanding mechanism, prevention and treatment.
Credits: Carlo Pappone, MD, PhD, FACC, Vincenzo Santinelli MD
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