Title: Is Rhythm Control with Pulmonary Vein Isolation Superior to Rate Control with AV Nodal Ablation in Patients with Heart Failure?
Credits: Khan MN, Jaïs P, Cummings J, Di Biase L, Sanders P, Martin DO, Kautzner J, Hao S, Themistoclakis S, Fanelli R, Potenza D, Massaro R, Wazni O, Schweikert R, Saliba W, Wang P, Al-Ahmad A, Beheiry S, Santarelli P, Starling RC, Dello Russo A, Pelargonio G, Brachmann J, Schibgilla V, Bonso A, Casella M, Raviele A, Haïssaguerre M, Natale A
Title: Review of "Long-term endurance sport practice increases the incidence of lone atrial fibrillation in men: a follow-up study"
Credits: Michela Madalosso, Antonio Raviele
Title: Review of "Antiarrhythmic Effect of Statin Therapy and Atrial Fibrillation : A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials"
Credits: Andrea Corrado, Antonio Raviele
Affiliation: Cardiologist and Arrhythmologist, Venice-Mestre, Italy. President of ALFA - Alliance to Fight Atrial Fibrillation and of the International Workshop on Cardiac Arrhythmias - VeniceArrhyhtmias.
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