Title: Superior vena CAVA Isolation by Cryoballoon in Addition to Pulmonary Vein Isolation in Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Patients. A Randomized Trial. CAVAC AF Trial. Study Rationale and Design
Title: Exploring the Association Between Physical Activity and Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses
Title: Risk Factors for Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation-Analysis of an Outpatient Database
Title: Incidence and Predictive Factors of Hidden Atrial Fibrillation Detected by Implantable loop Recorder after an Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source
Credits: Castro Urda, Víctor1, Parra Esteban, Carolina1, Toquero Ramos, Jorge1, Carneado-Ruiz, Joaquín5 , Sánchez García, Manuel1 , Cobo Marcos, Marta2,Fernández Villanueva, José María1, Pham Trung, Chinh1, Ortega Marcos, Javier3, Mingo Santos, Susana4, Diego Jiménez Sánchez1, Jiménez Ortiz, Carlos5, Fernández Lozano, Ignacio1
Title: Head Up Tilt Testing: An Appraisal of Its Current Role in the Management of Patients with Syncope
Credits: Paula Macedo, M.D, Dr. Luiz Roberto Leite, M.D. Ph.D, Samuel J. Asirvatham, M.D, Denise Tessariol Hachul, M.D. Ph.D, Leopoldo Luiz dos Santos-Neto, M.D. Ph.D, Win-Kuang Shen, M.D
Affiliation: Luiz Sérgio F de Carvalho, MD, MSc and PhD, is currently the Head of Biostatistics Department at the Clinical Research Center, Hospital de Base de Brasília. Associate Researcher at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and collaborator of Brazilian Heart Study. Research interests are among Vascular Biology, Atherosclerosis, Lipidology, Clinical Trials on Lipid-Lowering Drugs, Metabolomics, Diabetes Mellitus, Clinical and Molecular Pharmacology, Cellular Metabolism, Applied Genetics and Molecular Biology.
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