Title: Serial Magnetic Resonance Imaging after Electrical Cardioversion of Recent Onset Atrial Fibrillation in Anticoagulant-Naïve Patients – A Prospective Study Exploring Clinically Silent Cerebral Lesions
Title: CoolLoop® First: A First In Man Study To Test A Novel Circular Cryoablation System In Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Markus Stuehlinger, Simon Hoenig, Karin Spuller, Christian Koman, Markus Stoeger, Gerhard Poelzl, Hanno Ulmer, Otmar Pachinger, Clemens Steinwender
Title: Silent Cerebral Events after Atrial Fibrillation Ablation – Overview and Current Data
Credits: Thomas Deneke, Karin Nentwich, Joachim Krug, Patrick Müller, Peter Hubert Grewe, Andreas Mügge, Anja Schade
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