Title: Surgical Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation: is Electrical Isolation of the Pulmonary Veins a Must?
Credits: Bart Maesen, Ines Van Loo, Laurent Pison, Mark La Meir
Title: Efficacy and safety of Implantable Loop Recorder: experience of a center
Credits: Inês Silveira, Maria João Sousa, Nuno Antunes, Vânia Silva, Carla Roque, António Pinheiro-Vieira, Vítor Lagarto, António Hipólito-Reis, André Luz, Severo Torres
Title: Mid-term risk stratification of patients with a Myocardial Infarction and Atrial Fibrillation: beyond GRACE and CHADS.
Credits: Sérgio Barra, Rui Providência, Luís Paiva, Inês Almeida, Francisca Caetano, Paulo Dinis, António Leitão Marques
Affiliation: Pacing and electrophysiology Department, Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Portugal.
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