Title: Relationship of Ostial Pulmonary Vein Scar with Reduction in Pulmonary Vein Size after Radiofrequency Ablation for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: An Observational Cohort Study
Credits: Thomas H. Hauser, MD, MMSc, MPH, Dana C. Peters PhD, John V. Wylie, MD, Catherine Lau, MD, Mark E. Josephson MD, Warren J. Manning, MD
Title: Emergency Physician Patterns Related to Anticoagulation of Patients with Recent-Onset Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter
Credits: Paraish Misra, MD, Eddy S. Lang, MD, Catherine M. Clement, RN, Robert J. Brison, MD, MPH, Brian H. Rowe, MD, MSc, Bjug Borgundvaag, MD, PhD, Trevor Langhan, MD, Kirk Magee, MD, MSc, Rob Stenstrom, MD, PhD, Jeffrey J. Perry, MD, MSc, David Birnie, MD, George A. Wells, PhD, X. Xue MSc, G. Innes, MD, Ian G. Stiell, MD, MSc
Title: Risk of Arrhythmia Recurrence After Successful Ablation of Lone Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Khaykin Y, MD, Friedlander D, BSc, Zarnett L, BSc, Seabrook C, RN, Beardsall M, RN, Feltham S, RN, Tsang B, MD, Wulffhart Z, MD, Pantano A, MD, Verma A, MD.
Title: Intracardiac ECHO Integration With Three Dimensional Mapping: Role in AF Ablation
Credits: Yaariv Khaykin, MD, Allan Skanes, MD, Zaev A. Wulffhart, MD, Lorne Gula, MD, Bonnie Whaley, CVT, Richard Oosthuizen, Catherine Seabrook, RN, Marianne Beardsal, RN, Atul Verma, MD.
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