Title: The Choice of Antithrombotic Therapy in a Patient with New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation and High Coronary Thrombotic Risk
Title: A patient with asymptomatic cerebral lesions during AF ablation: how much should we worry?
Credits: G B Forleo, D G Della Rocca, C Lavalle, M Mantica, L P Papavasileiou, V Ribatti, G Panattoni, L Santini, A Natale, L Di Biase
Title: Electrical and Hemodynamic Evaluation of Ventricular and Supraventricular Tachycardias with an Implantable Cardiac Stimulator
Credits: Claudio Pandozi MD, Franco Di Gregorio BiolScD, Carlo Lavalle MD, Renato Pietro Ricci MD, Sabina Ficili MD, Marco Galeazzi MD, Maurizio Russo MD, Angela Pandozi MD, Furio Colivicchi MD, Massimo Santini MD
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